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A City that Serves

When residents call City Hall, they deserve someone who is truly listening, an ally in solving their problem. The city serves the people of Anytown, and the citizens are its bosses, not the other way around. I am passionate about creating a culture of service, because the only way we can rebuild trust in this city is to listen, to care, and to deliver.

Jobs & Businesses

The citizens of Anytown have always been ready to work hard. But with so many of us looking for work or living paycheck to paycheck, we can’t just wait and hope for companies to come to Anytown. We need to recognize that the jobs of the future are in technology, and we can, right now, launch job training programs to create the skilled workforce that these companies are hungry for.

We are a city of self-starters, and I believe success in business isn’t an accident; we can help by training entrepreneurs and supporting startups built by residents who have completed the program. Because it’s the businesses that are rooted right here that have the biggest economic impacts. When you start a business, the city shouldn’t be a source of red tape and frustration; it should be your coach and cheerleader.

Education for Higher Wages

In Anytown, our young people have limited opportunities to advance post-high school education without going on to college. We need a pipeline to the jobs of the future. That’s why I will work to create a state-of-the-art technology school for students grades 7 – 12. Beyond the core curriculum, students can pursue certification in areas such as IT Support, Data Analytics, Project Management, and UX Design.

Connect to Careers

Finding a job should not be tougher than the job itself. And expensive college is not always the smartest path to a well-paying career. I propose turning one of our empty schools into the Anytown Career Center. By day it will be focused on prepping and training our school students for the job market; in the evenings the Career Center will be open to all residents — regardless of background — to take vocational night classes and “earn while you learn.”

Access to Food

It is outrageous that we have to talk about “food deserts,” as if nature made these in the middle of our city. Lack of grocery stores is a product of poor planning by the city, and we can do better. I will be a champion for empowering residents to open their own small grocery stores, so the city has a network of locally-owned stores. With so many empty properties, we have the space, and we can fast-track the process of starting this kind of business. Vacant properties are also an opportunity; I will work with our neighborhood associations so that all 99 neighborhoods can maintain community gardens with free fruits and vegetables available locally.

Compassion and Care

Neighbors care about each other, and I will lead a city administration that advocates for those who need mental health support, people experiencing homelessness, and the most vulnerable “forgotten people” in our community, like our seniors.

Get Involved

If you believe in achieving what Anytown could be, join us.

Vote for me & you will be heard